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37: Best Hereford Bull, born after 01-07-2024

Cattle ➤ Pedigree ➤ Hereford Sun 27th Jul 2025
Cattle - Opening Notes

Please refer to Arva Agricultural Show rules, ISA rules and Category Specific Guidelines here

No entries permitted on day of event.

Cattle Area
Ring Area:  
Entry Fee:  
Sun, 27th Jul, 2025
Start Time:  
12:00 pm
Prizes:   1st - €100.00 , 2nd - €60.00 , 3rd - €40.00
Cattle - Closing Notes

The I.S.A would advise all animal owners who have their animals insured to have it extended to cover them while showing animals at Shows. We understand that it will cost very little or nothing at all, depending on your insurance provider.  
If you are one of the few who do not have cover, we would advise that you think about putting it in place for this purpose - it is very worthwhile.
The reason for us giving you this advice is to protect yourself in the event of your animal lashing out and injuring someone or damaging someone’s property. If that were to happen, and it is established that your animal was out of your control, you may be held responsible, or partly responsible, for any injury or damage caused and may lead to you paying all or part of any settlement reached.

Judging commences at 12 noon in Cattle Section
Note for Information regarding Movement of Bovine to Shows:
The Department of Agriculture implemented a number of changes on 4th February 2019 which changed the procedures and criteria applicable when applying for a Certificate of Compliance for the movement of cattle. These also impact on the certificate which is required when moving bovine to a Show. The following sets out the criteria applicable:
• The movement of cattle to and from an Agriculture Show within the State must be recorded on the Animal Identification and Movement System (AIM).
• In line with these changes a specific certificate of Compliance for the “Movement of Bovine from a Single Holding to a Show” must now be requested prior to the movement of animals concerned.
• These certificates can be created by (i) applying online using their agfood account or (ii) where the keeper is not on line the certificate can be generated by the local Regional Veterinary Office following receipt of a NBAS31K with issue of the certificate being subject to normal criteria applicable. This form will be available on the Departments Website and will also be included with the Show Circular when issued.
• When applying for this certificate the destination herd / or Show number is not required. The certificate generated will include an “S” symbol.
• The Certificate of Compliance for a Show will continue to be valid for a period of up to 30 days. As is currently the case these can be used for the movement of animals to a number of shows during the validity period of the certificate.
• Please also note—Calves which are less than 10 days cannot be moved to a Show. As is currently the case the Movement Notification Section of the Certificate should be completed by the Keeper and the Show Secretary who must clearly indicate the Show Number. The Show movement should be recorded on the passport. Ultimate responsibility for fulfilling these requirements lies with the Show Secretary. If the animals move to a herd other than the source herd, the new destination herd must complete and sign the certificate also. Completed forms should be sent by the Show Secretary to the local RVO within 7 days of the Show.

Class is currently closed for entry.