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201: All Ireland Photography Championship.

Home Industries ➤ Qualifier Classes Sun 27th Jul 2025

The ISA & Tydavnet Show Society present the All Ireland Photography Championship.
Sponsored by: Breffni Landscapes PRIZE FUND €500
1. Photographs may be of any subject.
2. The competition is confined to all amateurs.
3. Photographs maybe of any format, ie. Digital or film, black and white or color.
4. Photographs must not be framed, or mounted, must not have captions or borders
5. Photographs must not be digitally enhanced.
6. Maximum size A5.
7. A qualifying class will be held at each show.
8. Two exhibits may qualify from each show if the standard is high enough.
9. All photographs must have the class no and exhibit no on the back of the photograph.
10. Exhibits are displayed at the owners risk.
11. The Judges discission is final.
These rules to be read in conjunction with ISA Rules

Entry fee: To qualifying Show: €3 To final: €6
Prizes: 1st €150; 2nd €120; 3rd €80; 4th €50; 5th to 8th €25 each


Home Industries - Opening Notes

View Arva Agricultural Show rules and ISA rules here

No entries permitted on day of event.

Homecraft Tent
Ring Area:  
Entry Fee:  
Sun, 27th Jul, 2025
Start Time:  
10:00 am
Prizes:   1st - Qualifier , 2nd - Qualifier
Class is currently closed for entry.