The ISA & Tullamore Show Society present The Quality Potato All Ireland Championship.
(1) In this competition, the produce must be the property of and grown by the exhibitor.
(2) Each exhibit is to consist of the following: A dish of 6 potatoes of any variety. The variety to be correctly named. Each tuber should be free from skin blemishes, be true to type and weigh approximately 6oz (170g)
(3)Two exhibits may qualify at each show.
(4) This being a quality championship, the adjudicators will favour floury, high dry matter varieties, which are popular with the Irish customer.
(5)Judges decision will be final at all stages of the competition. Exhibits are displayed at owner’s risk.
(6) At the final, Marquee open from 7.30am on show morning and will be closed for judging at 10 am sharp. Marquee will open to the public at 12 noon. Exhibits cannot be removed before 5.00 pm.
(7) These rules should be read in conjunction with the rules of the I. S. A Rules.
ENTRY FEE: To Qualifying Show: €3. To Final €6.
PRIZES 1st €250 & Bord Bia Perpetual Trophy & Replica. 2nd €150; 3rd €100; 4th €75; 5th €50; 6th €25.
All qualifiers will receive a special Bord Bia Plaque.
FINAL: Tullamore Show
View Arva Agricultural Show rules and ISA rules here
No entries permitted on day of event.