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27th July 2025
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Results for Arva Agricultural Show 2023
Show Results
Best Charolais Bull, born between 01-08-2021 & 31-07-2022
Cattle ➤ Pedigree ➤ Charolais
Results for
29: Champion Cob or Pony
1: Riding Ponies, 14.2 hands & under - to be shown under saddle
2: Lead Rein Competition for Ponies 12.2 hands & under, lead by an adult & ridden by a child 7 years & under
3: Lead Rein Competition for Ponies 14.2 hands & under, lead by an adult & ridden by child 8-12 years old
4: Ponies - 12.2 hands & under
5: Ponies - 13.2 hands & under
6: Best Mare or Gelding not exceeding 14.2 hands
7: Best Registered Connemara Filly or Gelding.
8: Best Registered Connemara Colt or Filly Foal
9: Best Connemara Brood Mare, stinted or with foal at foot
10: Open Miniature for Horses, Under 34", 3 Years & Under
11: Open Miniature for Horses, Under 34";, 4 Years and Upwards
12: Shetland Pony - Best Filly, Mare or Gelding to be shown in hand
13: Best Entry for Style & Appearance
14: Best Donkey, Male or Female, to be shown in hand
30: Champion of Horse Section
16: Best Brood Mare, Stinted or with Foal at Foot, Heavy-Weight Hunter
17: Best Non-Thoroughbred Brood Mare, Stinted or with Foal at Foot, Light-Weight Hunter
18: Best Colt Foal (open)
19: Best Filly Foal (open)
21: Premium for Mares with Foal at Foot, to be judged as a pair
22: Best Yearling Colt/Filly Non-Thoroughbred
23: Best 2 Year Old Colt/Filly,Non-Thoroughbred
24: Best 3 Year Old Colt/Filly Non-Thoroughbred
25: Best Irish Draft Colt,Filly and Gelding, 3 Years & Under
26: Best Cob, 15.1 hands & under, to be shown in hand
27: Best Coloured Horse or Pony, to be shown in hand
28: Best Ridden Hunter
150: Supreme Champion of Cattle Section
151: Pedigree Champion in Cattle Section
152: Hereford Champion
33: Best Hereford Cow in calf or milk
34: Best Hereford Bull, born before 01-07-2022
35: Best Hereford Heifer born before 01-07-2022
36: Best Hereford Bull, born after 01-07-2022
37: Best Hereford Heifer, born after 01-07-2022
38: Best Hereford, Male, born after 01-01-2023
40: Best Hereford Heifer, born before 01-09-2021
153: Champion Charolais
42: Best Charolais Bull, born between 01-08-2021 & 31-07-2022
43: Best Charolais Heifer, born between 01-08-2021 & 31-07-2022
44: Best Charolais Male Calf, born after 01-07-2022
45: Best Charolais Female Calf, born after 01-07-2022
46: Best Charolais Male Calf, born after 01-01-2023
48: Best Pair of Charolais cattle owned & bred by exhibitor
154: Champion Simmental
49: Best Simmental Cow or Heifer over 2 Years old
50: Best Simmental Heifer, 2 Years or Under
51: Best Simmental Male born after 01-07-2022
52: Best Simmental Heifer born after 01-07-2022
53: Best Simmental Male or Female Calf born after 01-01-2023
155: Champion Belgian Blue
54: Best Belgian Blue, Male or Female, born before 01-07-2022
156: Champion Limousin
56: Best Limousin Cow or Senior Heifer
57: Best Limousin Male Calf, born between 01-09-2022 and 31-12-2022
58: Best Limousin Female Calf, born between 01-09-2022 and 31-12-2022
59: Best Limousin Male Calf, born after 01-01-2023
60: Best Limousin Female Calf, born after 01-01-2023
61: Best Pair of Limousin cattle owned & bred by exhibitor
157: Champion Aberdeen Angus
62: Best Aberdeen Angus Cow
63: Best Aberdeen Angus Male or Female, Under 2 Years Old, with no permanent teeth
64: Best Aberdeen Angus Male, born after 01-08-2022
65: Best Aberdeen Angus Female, born after 01-08-2022
67: Best Aberdeen Angus Female born after 01-01-2023
158: Champion Shorthorn
73: Best Shorthorn Heifer, Pedigree or Non-Pedigree
74: Best Shorthorn, Male or Female, born after 01-01-2023
159: Champion Friesian
76: Best Friesian Heifer in Milk
77: Best Friesian in-calf Heifer
78: Best Friesian Heifer born from 01-01-2022 to 31-12-2022
79: Best Friesian Heifer born after 01-01-2023
80: YMA Showmanship League - (Junior)
81: YMA Showmanship League - (Intermediate)
84: Best Rare Breed Bovine Animal, Male or Female
160: Champion Non-Pedigree in Cattle Section
86: Best Non-Pedigree Continental Type Bull Calf, Calved in 2023
87: Best Non-Pedigree Continental Type Heifer Calf, Calved in 2023
88: Best Butchers Type Heifer, with no permanent teeth
89: Best Beef Bullock
90: Best Continental Type Bullock with no permanent teeth
91: Best Continental Type Heifer with no permanent teeth
161: Champion Continental with no permanent teeth
92: Best Continental Type Senior Heifer
93: Best Suckler Cow with calf at foot
94: Best Continental Type Female with 2 permanent teeth
95: The Breeders Choice Traditional 4* or 5* Breeding Heifer
96: Young Stockperson, with Calf born in 2023
99: Best Continental Type Male with 2 permanent teeth
122: The Lakeland Dairies All-Ireland Best Dairy Bred Beef Animal
117: Champion Sheep
121: Under 16 Year-Old Stock Handler Class
100: Best Suffolk Ewe Lamb
101: Best Suffolk Ram Lamb
102: Best Suffolk Ewe - Shearling & upwards
103: Best Suffolk Ram - Shearling & upwards
104: Best Charollais Ewe Lamb
105: Best Charollais Ram Lamb
106: Best Charollais Ewe - Shearling & upwards
107: Best Charollais Ram - Shearling & upwards
108: Best Texel Ewe Lamb
109: Best Texel Ram Lamb
110: Best Texel Ewe - Shearling & upwards
111: Best Texel Ram - Shearling & upwards
112: Best Ram, any age, any Cross Breed
113: Best Cross Breed Ewe, any age
114: Best Ewe Lamb, any Cross Breed
115: Best Ram Lamb, any Cross Breed
116: Best Pair of Butcher Lambs
124: Champion Goat
119: Best Male Goat (any age)
120: Best Female Goatling (under 2 years)
118: She Goat (2 years or over)
204: The Quality Onion All Ireland Championship.
311: All-Ireland Home Preserves Championship
312: All-Ireland Junior Craft Championship
205: Best 6 New Laid Hen Eggs (brown)
206: Best 6 New Laid Hen Eggs (white)
207: Best Painted Egg
208: Best Porter Cake
209: Best Wheaten Cake
210: Best White Soda Cake
211: Best Harvest Loaf
212: Best Light Fruit Cake
213: Best Tea Brack
214: Best Boiled Cake
215: Best 6 Afternoon Tea Scones (plain)
216: Best Carrot Cake
217: Best Ginger Cake
219: Best Apple Tart
220: Best Rhubarb Tart
221: Best Banana Bread, baked in Loaf Tin
222: Best Victoria Sponge
223: Best 6 Queen Cakes (plain)
224: Best 4 Chocolate Chip Muffins
225: Best 4 Cupcakes, Decorated
226: Best Chocolate Biscuit Cake
227: Best 6 Chocolate Brownies
228: Best Decorated Novelty Cake
231: Best Bowl of Coleslaw
232: Best Bowl of Potato Salad
233: Best Three Boiled Potatoes (in their jackets)
234: Blackcurrant Jam
235: Gooseberry Jam
236: Rhubarb Jam
237: Marmalade Jam
238: Strawberry Jam
239: Raspberry Jam
240: Lemon Curd
241: Chutney, any kind
242: Best Childs Handknit Article (Fine Wool)
243: Best Handknit Ladies or Gents Garment (Double Knit)
244: Best Painting in Oil or Watercolours
245: Best Safe Soft Toy for a Child (homemade)
246: Best Dressed Doll
247: Something New from Something Old (Small)
248: Something New from Something Old (Large)
249: Best Embroidery in Coloured Cotton (Any Size)
250: Best item Crocheted in Wool
251: Best item Crocheted in Cotton
252: Best Cot Quilt in any medium
253: Best Fabric Framed Picture
254: Most Attractive Cushion Cover
255: Best Decoupage Picture
256: Best Item made from LEGO.
257: Best Homemade article in Wood.
258: Best Sample of this year's Hay
259: Best 6 Sods of Turf
260: Best Dish of Strawberries
261: Best 3 Stalks of Rhubarb (with 3 inches of leaf)
262: Best 3 Table Tomatoes
263: Best 3 Tubers (Kerrs Pinks)
264: Best 3 Tubers (any other variety)
265: Best Table Cabbage (1 Head)
266: Best 4 Stems of Parsley in a Jar
267: Best 4 Shallots
268: Best 4 Scallions / Spring Onions
269: Best 3 Onions (medium)
270: Best 3 Long Red Carrots
271: Best 3 Carrots (stump rooted)
273: Best 3 Roots of Vegetable Beet
274: Best 2 Cucumber
275: Best Single Head of Lettuce
276: Best Arrangement of 3 Vegetables (2 of each vegetable)
277: Best Pot Plant in Bloom
278: Most Unusual Cactus
279: Best 4 Dahlias (Pom Pom)
280: Best 4 Dahlias (Cactus)
281: Best 4 Roses (Hybrid Tea)
282: Best 4 Roses (Floribunda)
283: Best Sweetpea (Mixed in Vase)
284: Best Pansies (Mixed in Vase)
285: Best 4 Gladioli (shown in Vase)
286: Best Arrangement of Wild Flowers (excluding Ragwort)
287: Best 7-Up Arrangement (Using 7 Flowers)
288: Best Vase of Cut Flowers (Mixed Variety)
289: Best Miniature Arrangement (6” x 6”)
290: Best Single Spray of a Flowering Shrub
291: Best Arrangement for Buttonhole
292: Best Display in a Hanging Basket
293: Best Landscape Photograph
294: Best Photograph featuring Water
295: Best Photograph of a Farming / Agricultural scene
296: Best Photo Depicting Summer
297: Funniest Pet Portrait
298: Best Photo in Black & White (any subject)
299: Best ‘Back to School’ Healthy Lunch, presented in lunch box
300: Best 6 Decorated Buns
301: Best 4 Cupcakes
302: Best Decorated Potato
303: Best Dressed Vegetable
304: Best Decorated Wooden Spoon
306: Best Decorated Card – Any Theme – Age 4 to 9
307: Best Decorated Card – Any Theme – Age 10 to 14
Entry No:
Basil & Victoria Kells, CN